Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dan Perry, Alliance for Aging Research

We're going to focus now on stem cell advocacy 2.0. You guys here are on the front lines; we need a pooled collective knowledge . . . you're going to hear from this outstanding panel, which includes Danny Neumann, Jeff Sheehy, and Don Reed.

(It's getting toward the end of the conference . . . lots of people seem to have left because these sessions are getting more and more thinly attended)

I'm head of a group that advocates for biomedical research into aging.

Two years, 3 months and 8 days from today, the first member of the baby boom generation is going to turn 65. The boomers are going to morph into the seniors.

In Jan 2011 we go from 6,000 people every day turning 65 to 10,000 people every day turning 65. It's going to be a "silver tsunami" of people getting type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, parkinson's, dementia . . . the size of the bill for health care of this generation is going to be hard to fathom

The congress is now considering $700B to bail out wall street. But we spent $707 in one year on the 5 top diseases of aging -- and that's with no boomers at all in the mix.

The election . . . even with a president that wholeheartedly supports regenerative medicine, we're going to have a huge fight on our hands and you're going to need every tool you can get your hands on. Here's Danny Neumann, whom I've had the pleasure of hearing at the United Nations and all over the place.

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